Friday, December 16, 2011

28 Day RBT - Food Rehab

The objective of the 28 Day RBT is a lifestyle change. I am going to rehab. There's too much temptation in Melbourne, especially when you work in a Bakery, and live on Degraves St. Trust me!! Its a food addiction, like no Drug Addiction, its worse! I was used to cycling a lot when I lived in Dublin, and eating a lot wasnt a problem, although a few pounds did accumulate.............then a nother few here then and bursting at the seams everywhere.

Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not one for the fad diets, if you know me, you know I'm a foodie!! So before I turn Obese, its time to turn to a slimmer model...........remember Strong is the New Skinny

28 Days  - and Lose up to 10kg!!

The GOAL is to lose 10kg in 28 Days. Ultimately, to change my eating habits and increase my strength training prowess. 
  • 3 Daily Meals, generally Low Carbs, so have my multivits, proten shakes, fish oil and SuperGreens as supplements.
  • IF - 8 Hours window to eat!! 16 hours Fasting
  1. Working nights, so trying to figure this out!!
  2. I reckon if I have 3am starts, with some BCAAs, plenty of Coffee or Green Tea, then my windo could be from 9am to 5pm. This means I am not tempted to eat at the Bakery either! But as I am finishing up work I can snack on something about 9ish.
  3. That snack will be a protein ball type muffin thingy, that will keep me energised!!

  • One weekly cheat meal
  1. Starting on Sunday 25th Dec............convenient!!
  2. "Go for anything you like. More carb based though – 1 x 45 minute window only and when your butt leaves the seat its over"
  • Check in on Facebook
  1.  All Food and Pics are to be logged on the 28 Day RBT Group Page on Facebook.
  2. Photo Uploads on a Tuesday night.

1 comment:

  1. Woah!......That sounds way too complicated! I'd say you should have a breakfast meal at 3am before you go to the bakery. Fibre based so you have energy for the shift and are not tempted to snack.
