Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Loughlin - Viking

Sitting in the airport, waiting to board for Sydney. I can't wait to see Sarah for Christmas and all the Barrys. It didn't feel at all like Christmas, until I walked in the dark to the bus this morning and noticed all the Christmas decorations and lights. It's also scheduled to be 32 degrees in Melbourne on the big day. Scorching!! Luckily ill be in Sydney, right...!!! So the usual traveling Christmas is a bbq at the beach. We may do that or we have been invited to the Barrys. Either way its gonna be great. I love spending time with my family. It's probably my number 1 priority.21st is Dads birthday.....technically today in Gmt local Dowra time. If anyone ever inspires me more, it is my Dad. He is an incredible man, so respecting, patient, funny, talented, and gorgeous. Unfortunately his body doesn't do what he wants for a long time now. Infact he contracted MS just months after my birth, at the young age of 21. Somehow, as a family, so close, through the tough times, we have become so respectful of health and happiness over stress and money. He loves being alive and sharing his stories and memories with us. Did I tell you he rode an elephant when he was 3, saw Best play when he was 7. Laughter is his medicine. He truly believes in that. I guess I've gained a lot of traits from him. Most people reckon I'm so laid back that I'm lying down half the time. The sun will rise, just as the sun will set, and another new day begins. I enjoy life, I enjoy taking opportunities, and the path less followed. Looking forward to a most epic 2012. This year will be different as I try to actually make some realistic goals, and actually go about a plan to achieving them. That's something I will find hard in itself.
I love this photo. Happy memories, writhing Colm, me, Dad, Regal and Noelle. What a gang!!! The coolest in Dowra.
Sydney here we exciting.

Monday, December 19, 2011

A day off

Today my day a sleep in til 8am, so full of relaxing beans today. After my 24 hour fast yesterday, ended with a romantic lamb salad, I was tired and cranky enough to go to bed early. Today I am fresh, writing my goals and coming up with next years challenges. Today I'm thinking about people I have met over the last 3 years who have helped in some way, get me to where I am today. Persons change, time gets quicker and pain lasts longer! But this develops us as a person. How we change, develop and grow to lifes UPS and DOWNS. Having a long walk in the Botanical Gardens. It's a petty warm day and doesn't feel like Christmas is in a few days. Although after speaking to Nannie and Eilish earlier, and getting their Xmas cake recipe, I'll have a go at feeling festive later. Then an early night for work beckons at 3am. Gonna pen some ideas for next year. The challenge today is figuring out which ones I'm gonna Stuck with. Can't do much as I do try. So here's to Melbourne ;)

Friday, December 16, 2011

Laneway to heaven....

Degraves one if the most famous laneways in Melbourne and u get to live there ;)

28 Day RBT - Food Rehab

The objective of the 28 Day RBT is a lifestyle change. I am going to rehab. There's too much temptation in Melbourne, especially when you work in a Bakery, and live on Degraves St. Trust me!! Its a food addiction, like no Drug Addiction, its worse! I was used to cycling a lot when I lived in Dublin, and eating a lot wasnt a problem, although a few pounds did accumulate.............then a nother few here then and bursting at the seams everywhere.

Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not one for the fad diets, if you know me, you know I'm a foodie!! So before I turn Obese, its time to turn to a slimmer model...........remember Strong is the New Skinny

28 Days  - and Lose up to 10kg!!

The GOAL is to lose 10kg in 28 Days. Ultimately, to change my eating habits and increase my strength training prowess. 
  • 3 Daily Meals, generally Low Carbs, so have my multivits, proten shakes, fish oil and SuperGreens as supplements.
  • IF - 8 Hours window to eat!! 16 hours Fasting
  1. Working nights, so trying to figure this out!!
  2. I reckon if I have 3am starts, with some BCAAs, plenty of Coffee or Green Tea, then my windo could be from 9am to 5pm. This means I am not tempted to eat at the Bakery either! But as I am finishing up work I can snack on something about 9ish.
  3. That snack will be a protein ball type muffin thingy, that will keep me energised!!

  • One weekly cheat meal
  1. Starting on Sunday 25th Dec............convenient!!
  2. "Go for anything you like. More carb based though – 1 x 45 minute window only and when your butt leaves the seat its over"
  • Check in on Facebook
  1.  All Food and Pics are to be logged on the 28 Day RBT Group Page on Facebook.
  2. Photo Uploads on a Tuesday night.

Fast Forward...........Erase and Rewind!!

Fast Forward...........Erase and Rewind!!
What a year it has been..........................................................O Emperor, WarPaint, Republic of Loose, Tieranniesaur, No Crows, Vodoo Sex Machines, El Hombre Jokes, Pete Molinari, Elbow, Kylie, Planet Parafe, Cathy Davey, David O Doherty, Angus & Julia Stone..............

From Rathgar to the Spire, the daily apple, of a 7up EcoCab, and throw in some free contraception. Best moments, "No Thanks, I'm trying to quit"!!!

A trip to Australia in August, with the Irish Banshees and Irish Warriors, so we won the AFL International Cup with 5 wins from 5, games in Sydney and Melbourne. Nice to get used to playing the game for real. Started as a forward, but made it in the preferred position. This earned me a place on the All Stars Team. Not bad for a big girl with honest intentions!

Three fantastic weeks in Australia followed with 3 more magical weeks in New Zealand. Lesley, the co-manger of the Banshees, a legend, and a true friend, to her own misfortune, brought me along with her to the Rugby World Cup in New experience I am truly indebted to her, and Terry. I had the trip of a lifetime, opening ceremony at the RWC11, Ire V Australia, and v USA, some great banter and drinks with Lesley, Ronan, Helen, Stephen, and Claire along the trip, accompanied with a few beers, a flask of whisky and some gluten free cookies!!

So back to Melbourne, as a cash strapped backpacker, I found great friends at Home@The Mansion Hostel. I would recommend this as a place to go to meet the cool of cool! Managed to bump into Roma, whom I started school with as a kid, but hadnt seen in 10 years, since Lough Allen College, we met for a coffee and dinner, at RMB Degraves St, on the day that Melbourne was decalsered the best city in the World to LIVE!! Once I finally got a job - in Kartel cafe, I got another job for the weekends. A 2 hour interview with Biddy the Baker, saw me work a sales role at a Bakers Delight in South Melbourne............

.................and so that is my current location. Now I am a night owl, who works as a bakers assistant in Bakers Delight, decorating pizzaz, twists, playing with dough, cleaning, sweating and eating!!!

So here I am, now living on Degraves St, drinking Long Machiattos, and with too much complimentarty bread..........its actually ripping my seams apart.............the 28 Day RBT begins!