Saturday, January 11, 2014

Blogging and more f'ing blogging

Ok, well blogging is not my favourite thing, as it lets you into my world a little. So how about I try not to make the blog as personal......but still you can experience the worldly wonders.....

But whats a good view, if its not worth sharing.........soon we will understand........

Back in Stralya!

Back in Stralya!

The second year visa

So as I find myself back in Australia, having been forced to leave it so soon, for a fabulous family engagement (Noelle & John's Wedding, Aug 2012).
This time, I landed into Brisbane for a few days and then up north to the Whitsunday Islands, or Proserpine to be my exact location, as I meet up with Grainne whom I worked with on the Horse Farm in South Australia.

There is a lot of negativity for many reasons. The major reasons being, that I truly had the most amazing opportunities and experiences in America.....on the West Coast and in Hawaii. I ask myself, how can things get any better. My eyes have seen too much. My sister Cat, tells me this is stage 2 Culture Shock. All makes sense.

Proserpine is a bit of a sleepy town. Even though it may have an Irish pub, its not a thing like a pub in Ireland. You never lose your identity or your own culture. Even though I may lose my accent. But anyways, not that I am much of a beer bunny - I do prefer the social aspect of it, and some live music. And thats where I must say - maybe I'm a city girl at heart. There's not enough random madness going on here for my liking. I miss Melbourne's energy. The freedom to enjoy buskers on the street to people watch, to join in on a social sport, grab a coffee in the many laneway eateries, watch the major sports events first hand......! This list is endless.

Basically this place, lies close to Airlie Beach and the Whitsunday Islands, a haven for coral and tourist traps. As you may well know I do like to stick off the beaten track as much as possible and not partake in the more stereotypical backpacker adventures. Finding a job here was a struggle, so that prevented me from spending my savings on any tours etc.....Next week a snorkelling trip for sure though, as I am about to leave this place, and may not return.

As beautiful as this place is - it just bores me.

So another adventure begins as we search for an even better view to share with the people we love or have yet to become friends with. 

Friday, January 6, 2012


Why is a statue woman getting a huge crowd over the soulful busker!! Funny what attracts people!! Southbank is.full of nightly entertainment.....from Bedsit barney on his drums, an Indian saxist, the.oasis busking tribute band, Indiana juggling Jones and a fire juggler!!
I'll just sit. here for another few hours with my gelato and try wake up, even though it should be bed time. My body clock is definitely banked out!!


Been working all night and sleeping.all day. All funked out!!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Loughlin - Viking

Sitting in the airport, waiting to board for Sydney. I can't wait to see Sarah for Christmas and all the Barrys. It didn't feel at all like Christmas, until I walked in the dark to the bus this morning and noticed all the Christmas decorations and lights. It's also scheduled to be 32 degrees in Melbourne on the big day. Scorching!! Luckily ill be in Sydney, right...!!! So the usual traveling Christmas is a bbq at the beach. We may do that or we have been invited to the Barrys. Either way its gonna be great. I love spending time with my family. It's probably my number 1 priority.21st is Dads birthday.....technically today in Gmt local Dowra time. If anyone ever inspires me more, it is my Dad. He is an incredible man, so respecting, patient, funny, talented, and gorgeous. Unfortunately his body doesn't do what he wants for a long time now. Infact he contracted MS just months after my birth, at the young age of 21. Somehow, as a family, so close, through the tough times, we have become so respectful of health and happiness over stress and money. He loves being alive and sharing his stories and memories with us. Did I tell you he rode an elephant when he was 3, saw Best play when he was 7. Laughter is his medicine. He truly believes in that. I guess I've gained a lot of traits from him. Most people reckon I'm so laid back that I'm lying down half the time. The sun will rise, just as the sun will set, and another new day begins. I enjoy life, I enjoy taking opportunities, and the path less followed. Looking forward to a most epic 2012. This year will be different as I try to actually make some realistic goals, and actually go about a plan to achieving them. That's something I will find hard in itself.
I love this photo. Happy memories, writhing Colm, me, Dad, Regal and Noelle. What a gang!!! The coolest in Dowra.
Sydney here we exciting.